
  Frequently Asked Questions

Akna is in constant improvement and we are developing new features based on the community feedback. The funds provided by the subscription are used to maintain the servers and develop new features.

The akna agent has been developed to execute under a Windows environment following the Windows authentication guidelines. The information stored in our systems is not publicly available and each user can see their own information. Akna is not sharing any information with third party companies unless the user approves to do it.

The akna agent has been validated for Windows 10 and Windows 11. The development team is working to implement Linux distros in the future.

The akna agent has the capability to report to our servers when they have been authenticated, the endpoints that were added prior to canceling/modifying your subscription can still report to the server, however, they cannot be accessed in the WebUI. If you want to delete the akna agent and stop reporting to the server, we recommend uninstalling it using the command line .\akna-agent --uninstall

The Akna agent is using the Microsoft Geolocation Services for Windows and follows the security rules based on the Windows device. For more information, click here

Akna is still in beta version and the development team is working to setup the infrastructure to maintain more devices. Akna will support more than 20,000 devices when it passes the Beta development.

The number of endpoints per account is calculated adding up the trial endpoints available on every account which by default is 1, plus the number of endpoints that you are paying in your subscription.

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